alberta's barbershopping history

Help us learn about barbershopping in Alberta

We would appreciate everyone’s help in sharing what you all know about the growth and history of barbershop singing (choruses and quartets) from over the years throughout Alberta!  

If you spot information that needs to be changed email: and he’ll make sure we get information and dates updated.

Email us whatever you know or find!

Ken Galloway

If you have a spare bedroom, garage or storage unit full of wonderful barbershop history that you’ve been storing or know about and you’d like to pass it on, let’s talk!   
There’s a great chance that we could make a trip up your way to pick up collections of our history– but we do need to talk first.  Call Ken at 541-490-6680.  


Here are some photos we have

Click on the pics to enlarge - some are identified and some aren't -- Send us any updates or stories to add to what we have here. We'll add everything that you send to us.